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Reviving Dead-Weight Students.... or Employees!

During school days, especially near the end of a quarter, students around me seem to look dead and sloth-like. In every single class, I see heads nodding off and drooping eyelids.  I watch as the people walk in the hallway as if they're in a trance.  Everyone's just totally out of it.There are also many students around me that are just in their own little world where none of the teacher's words come in.  They begin being sluggish and unproductive in class, eventually waiting until last minute to finish up all the work with a due date coming up.

This behavior is definitely not uncommon.  I see it everywhere where I walk.  There's always someone who either looks ready to climb into a very comfortable bed or ready to shoot something with the lasers that seem to come out of their eyes.  The grumpiness eventually just rubs onto everyone else, and the whole school environment is effected.  I've felt very moody and tired lately because any person can affect the atmosphere of a certain place.

This is when I got to thinking - what if people did this when they grew up, too?  If I became an executive director, then would my future employees do this?  It's a very sad thing that I may have to deal with, and because of this, I decided to research on whether or not they actually do it currently.

When reading an article, Can You Revive Dead-weight Employees?, from CNN, I realized that it really does happen.  A very large portion of people nowadays (32%) are wanting to leave their jobs.  Also, the most dangerous people who spread the negative attitude are trapped employees that keep harboring bad feelings towards their companies, but continue to stay because of the unpredictable economy.  These things have to be solved by finding those negative people and having actual conversations with them to help increase their productivity and satisfaction with their job.  There are also things such as meetings with all the employees to try to motivate them and completely turnaround the people who are dead-weights!

This is really important to know if I ever become an executive director because knowing about how to help my employees would be extremely valuable.  It would also be very crucial to know how to increase the overall productivity of my company.  This could even be very useful now with students.  Maybe schools should also try to meet with the students and try to negotiate with them about work and put a positive mood in the students.  No one wants to work or learn in a place full of zombies!  Solutions to this zombie-effect in schools and work places are very welcome and extremely urgent!